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Rock Climbing Courses and Outings

Âncora 1

Why choose AA?

P.E.P. model

A very experient climber and a mountaineer in the middle of the 7 summit's project in solo provide all their bagage with more than 20 years of contact with the mountain for beyond the safety, the client can acquire the maximum knowledge necessary to became self sufficient on this that can be a very extreme place. Our intation is not just to guide. We want to empower conscious mountaineers, on unforgettable landscapes, for perhaps even greater desires.

A preservação na AA também é um ponto fundamental para que toda beleza e magnitude que encontrarmos pela frente possa ser compartilhada com as gerações que virão. Seguimos as práticas NDR.

Prezamos por oferecer duas opções de formatos de viagem em todos os roteiros que contenham acampamento avançado: expedição tradicional ou modo clássico alpino. Em qualquer uma, o resultado será uma experiência única.

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"Without adequate planning, we are at the mercy of luck. If one of the 3 pillars of safety is weak, the chances of failure increase substantially. Strengthening them beforehand is what I call RESPECT FOR THE MOUNTAIN."
André Perlatti - Alpine Adventure leader guide

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